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Migrations from Drupal 6,7,8 or 9 to Drupal 10.

Migration to Drupal 10 is more of a re-build than a simple upgrade. While the content, users, and other elements can be moved over more or less cleanly, there are many tasks that will arise, depending on the complexity and quality of your existing Drupal 6,7, 8 or 9 site and its custom code.

Any drupal migration process starts with a feasibility study to figure out the specific challenges involved with your site, including theme recreation and data migration (thru Feeds, Migration API or even web scraping). Our team have large experience in content migrations of various sizes and complexity.

Jump from Wordpress, Joomla, Typo3 or a proprietary CMS to Drupal 9.

If your current CMS platform is not enough for your business requirements, let's move to Drupal 10. All your current functionality will be replicated using D9 core and contrib modules. When the available functionality is not enough, we extend it, or develop a custom module from scratch. All the developments can be contributed later to the community, if you agree.

E-commerce site migrations to Drupal Commerce

Unlike other popular e-commerce platforms, Drupal Commerce can be easily extended and integrated with other systems and sources of data, using 100% free-of-charge open source modules, including support. If you are considering of leaving the costs and limitations of platforms like Prestashoop, Magento or WooCommerce, a migration to Drupal Commerce will be easier and cheaper than you may think.


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